61486 Electricity, and Natural Gas Information
Electricity and local information about 61486
With a population of 1552 people, 61486 is Illinois 771st most populated zipcode and covers 43.11 square miles in Viola.
Area codes in 61486 include 309.
4 Cities Nearest to Viola
Sponsored & Trending Plans in 61486
People Choose These Plans in 61486
12 Month Fixed Rate
SureLock 12
10.79 ¢/kwh
$4.99/mo.MRCThe 'MRC' or 'Monthly Recurring Charge' is a fee that the provider will add to each of your bills in addition to the electric usage charges.
- 12 month
- Fixed Rate
6 Month Fixed Rate
What Viola customers have been saying
Vista Energy
We have rent houses and a couple of young men from Vista Energy Marketing showed up here and they asked us how many of them we were supplying electricity for. They explained their system, we filled the paperwork out, and they signed us up for all of our rent houses. Signing up wasnt hard at all because I had my power records right here. The weather right now is cold though and the bill went up but I knew it was gonna do that.