Billing Problems and Complaints (615 reviews)
Customer Service Excellence
“ Had a chat with Evelyn for my account billing. She was amazing and awesome person with excellent knowledge about the business. She provided such a great customer service that is rare these days. She is a gem for CleanSky Energy. Her supervisor/manager should provide all they can including higher compensation raises or bonus to keep her in the company ”
April 17th, 2024
“ Sorry I looked at the wrong utility billing. Your price is competitive and I like the fixed amount and the term of contract. Please disregard the other survey. Thank yoi ”
March 18th, 2024
“ I just received my first billing for my electric. I was very pleased that the bill was much lower than the last several bills that I received. ”
October 30th, 2023
I just signed up.
“ The customer service representative was very knowledgeable and informative and explained everything very well! Im unable to accurately respond to billing and account management as I have not gotten that far. ”
August 15th, 2023
Home owner in CT
“ The rates in CT have gone sky high. We decide to go with Direct Energy and we have noticed a savings in our first months billingso far so good. We have been using more sense by drying clothes on the line outside, using cold water whenever possible, and turning off lights and unplugging appliances to save energy. ”
June 21st, 2023
32 month plan
“ Easy setup.Waiting for first billing to check out further. ”
June 6th, 2023
i just signed up and awaiting to begin the service
“ The signup was very easy. Click, click and I am now going to use their service with my next billing cycle ”
May 26th, 2023
Good competitive pricing
“ So far very happy and no problems with billing. Good pricing. Easy to switch over. ”
May 25th, 2023
“ I called to change my AEP supplier to Energy harbor. It was quite painless and went very smoothly. I dont think I have received my first billing fro Energy Harbor but it's coming in June (I think) ”
May 3rd, 2023
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